A special Ayurvedic therapy, Uro Vasti is where the Urah (chest) is subjected to a therapy called Vasti (warm medicated oil—placed over the chest region). Vasti denotes “a compartment that holds”.
ro Vasti is a localized procedure for treatment of diseases in the region of the chest—especially Kapha and Vata Dosha disorders. Essentially, warm, medicated, Dosha-specific oil is kept in contact over the skin of the chest region, for a particular amount of time, using a ‘well’ made of a special ,, black gram dough. This relaxing therapy has an extremely soothing and healing effect on the skin, muscles, joints, bones and underlying organs and structures (especially the lungs, airways and heart). When localized to the pericardium region it is called Hrid Vasti.
Synonyms: Uro Basti (pronounced Oo-Roh Bus-tee), Hrid Basti, Hrud Basti