Shastika Shali Pinda Sweda (pronounced Shaash-tee-kaa Shaa-lee Pin-ḍa Sway-da) is a unique Ayurveda therapy using a special variety of Indian rice in a bolus, dipped in a nourishing herbal milk decoction and massaged onto the body.
Shastika means “sixty”—denoting rice that matures in sixty days; Shali means “rice”; Pinda implies a bolus or bag and Sweda is the name of a sudation therapy. Shastika Shali Pinda Sweda is performed Ekangam (on one part of the body) or Sarvangam (on the whole body) with a bolus of boiled Shastika rice dipped in Bala Mula Kwatha (a herbal decoction) and Ksheeram (milk). This special brownish-red rice is also called Navara in South India. Even though it is a Swedana (fomentation or sweat-inducing heat therapy), it has a Brimhana (nourishing effect) and is useful to strengthen, nourish and support bones, muscles, joints and nerves.