The term Pizhichil (pronounced “Pee-ree-chill”) translates as “squeezing”. Pizhichil is a traditional Ayurveda therapy which combines oil application, rhythmic ‘squeezing’ massage and heat treatment (Swedana or sudation).
Born from the traditions of Ayurveda therapy in Kerala (South India), Pizhichil forms an integral part of Keraliya Panchakarma. It involves a synchronized oil massage with specific strokes by two or more therapists carried out over the body, except for the head. The pressure of the massage varies from mild to firm. This therapy is excellent to rejuvenate the mind and body, strengthen local muscles and underlying tissues, and harmonize the systems of the body. A session of Pizhichil will leave you relaxed, and a long term therapy will enhance your strength, energy and an overall sense of improved well-being. It is done under the guidance of an Ayurvedic physician.