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Category Archives: Recipes

Unveiling the Ancient Marvel: Shilajit – Nature’s Potent Panacea

In the vast and mystical tapestry of Ayurvedic medicine, few substances hold the same revered status as Shilajit. Aptly named “the destroyer of weakness,” Shilajit has been celebrated for millennia in the ancient healing traditions of India, Nepal, and Tibet. As a potent resin exuding from the heart of the Himalayan mountains, Shilajit is renowned for its unparalleled therapeutic properties and profound impact on health and vitality. Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries and marvels of this ancient elixir. Origins and Formation: Shilajit is a complex organic substance that oozes from the cracks and crevices of rocks

Harnessing Ayurvedic Wisdom with Pure Copper Dispensers

In the pursuit of holistic well-being, the integration of ancient traditions into modern living has gained significant momentum. One such convergence of traditional wisdom and contemporary lifestyle is embodied in the use of pure copper dispensers. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, extols the virtues of copper for its therapeutic properties. By combining the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda with the practicality of modern-day hydration solutions, pure copper dispensers emerge as vessels of both style and substance. Ayurvedic Benefits of Copper: Ayurveda recognizes the elemental significance of metals, and copper holds a special place in this holistic approach to health.

The Ayurvedic Wonders of Asafoetida Powder

In the realm of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, nature’s bounty unfolds numerous treasures for holistic well-being. Asafoetida, a pungent spice derived from the resin of the Ferula plant, has been an integral part of Ayurvedic traditions for centuries. Also known as “hing” in Hindi, this resin is dried and ground to form a potent powder. Beyond its culinary applications, asafoetida powder boasts a myriad of Ayurvedic benefits that contribute to overall health and wellness. Historical Significance: Asafoetida has been revered in Ayurveda for its therapeutic properties since ancient times. It finds mention in classical Ayurvedic texts like

Harnessing Ayurvedic Wisdom: The Miraculous Powers of Psyllium Husks

Psyllium husk, known as ‘Isabgol’ in Ayurveda, has been integrated into traditional Indian medicine for centuries. Ayurveda categorizes it as a “Shleshmataka,” indicating its potential to balance the Kapha dosha, one of the three fundamental bioenergies in Ayurveda responsible for structure and lubrication within the body.

Are Sprouts good for you? An Ayurvedic perspective 

The sprouts are superfoods that can incorporate into your diet every day easily! Ayurvedic doctors/experts, nutritionists, and holistic practitioners strongly recommend sprouts due to their nutritional value and health benefits. Sprouts are regarded as superfoods since they aid in digestion, lower the blood sugar level, and decrease the risk of developing heart disease and numerous others. Most food grains can be sprouted like seeds, grains and legumes. Indeed, sprouts are widely regarded as being the healthiest and most nutritious options to eat. They are believed to help remove toxins from your body and help purify the blood. They also aid

How to make Ghee?

Simply Ghee is clarified butter. It is saturated fat, which means it is suitable to cook food without becoming poisonous as oils. It has a high smoke point than butter, which means it can cook at higher temperatures without burning. Ghee is described in Ayurvedic medicine as a digestive tonic and helps in digestion, absorption and assimilation.  Here’s the recipe for Ghee. This recipe makes around 500g of Ghee. That’s enough to fill many pots. INGREDIENTS 3 packs of organic unsalted butter  INSTRUCTIONS Place the butter into a heavy pan. Increase the heating to medium and cook until the butter

10 Rules for an Ayurvedic Diet

Ayurveda has been used for centuries as the primary method to improve the health of the mind and body. For hundreds of years before the time that Hippocrates directed, “Let food be thy medicine,” Ayurveda defined principles for giving that advice as practical. The choice of food, meal timing, and awareness at mealtimes boost the Ojas (vitality) and ama (toxicity). The 10 guidelines below will provide a framework to tap into the understanding of Ayurveda and make use of it to promote vitality, health, and energy through food. Choose the right foods for your Dosha Type. Ayurveda affirms that every individual has a different

CCF Digestive tea

CCF is short for Cumin, Coriander, and Fennel, the three ingredients of this Ayurvedic tea blend. This tea blend is an excellent aid in digestion, assimilation, metabolism, and purification. Cumin is warming, an ideal spice for Vata, coriander improves digestion and balances pitta. CCF tea is a Tridosha mixture which is good for all body types and all-season tea that you can sip throughout the day.  If you are on the go, take your hot CCF with you in a thermos. In summer, you can drink at room temperature.   Cumin – Salty, pungent – hot – pacifies Vata and

How to make Ayurvedic Buttermilk?

Ayurvedic buttermilk is quite different from the buttermilk you find in the supermarket. Interestingly, Ayurvedic buttermilk is simply diluted, natural yogurt with herbs and spices. This is very easy to make at home, and enjoy its numerous health benefits. Buttermilk is called Takra in Ayurveda. This recipe has been used over the centuries to restore the digestive system and act as a natural probiotic.   Benefits of Ayurvedic buttermilk Easy to digest, it has astringent and sour tastes which mitigate Kapha and Vata. It is used for the treatment of inflammation, digestive disorders, lack of appetite, spleen and liver problems